A light to medium pressure massage encompassing the whole person. Similar to that of a Swedish massage, a mixture of flowing massage movements are used to relax mind and body. Great choice for relaxing; reducing stress, anxiety, helping with sleep disorders and improving circulation.
Deep tissue massage does what the name suggests and targets muscles and connective tissues on a deeper level within the body. A medium to firm pressure massage which may include trigger point therapy in areas of the body where there is much restriction within the fiber of the tissues.
Both corrective and therapeutic, choose deep tissue massage for more deeply rooted physical restrictions, to release patterns of chronic tension held in the body, or if you enjoy a massage with a firmer pressure.
Indian Head Massage focuses on the head, face, neck and shoulders and can be received both lying down or sat in a chair fully clothed. It is a very adaptable treatment which uses both massage movements and pressure point therapy to release tension held in the upper body. Both invigorating and relaxing movements are used to increase blood flow and circulation, reduce muscular tension. The stimulation of the scalp increases oxygen to the area, encouraging hair growth. This increase in nourishment to the area can also help to prevent headaches and migraines.
Suitable from the start of your second trimester, Pregnancy Massage can help the mother to be relax and unwind, taking the weight off the feet. It can help to connect to the baby and research shows that women that receive massage through-out the second and third trimesters tend to have calmer births with less medical intervention. Always go to a massage therapist who have trained specifically in pregnancy massage.
You may have heard about hot stone massage, but what are these cold stones all about I hear you cry! A treatment using hot and cold stone massage focuses mainly on the deeply relaxing releif which comes from reciving hot stone therapy. The use of the cold stones is interweaved and is amazing for tightening the skin (so perfect for the face), improving circulation and increasing the bodys' immune response. Think cold water therapy!
Its not just muscles that need attention! This approach is hands on but without oils. A combination of therapeutic techniques are used including long held stretches to 'melt' the connective tissues of fascia and allow them to return to balance within the body. A gentle therapy, idea for old or chronic injuries.
Translated from Japanese as Spiritual or Universal (Rei) life force energy (Ki), Reiki is energy or 'light work'. Like electricity, you cant see it, but it is there and it is very powerful!
We may have something in our lives which is troubling us. Reiki is a great therapy for 'tuning in'; getting quiet enough to hear guidance from our inner self.
An attuned Reiki practitioner such as myself is simply a person who has done the training in how to connect to this energy (Ki). Like a channel the energy is directed to the person receiving the Reiki, for the higher and greater good of that person. Mantras and symbols are also used to connect to the Ki.
As a treatment it is carried out fully clothed; a blanket and cushions keeps you warm and cosy. A mixture of hands off (as pictured here) and hands on can be used in a session, depending on where in the body the Reiki is required.
Each session is different. Mostly though people report feeling a deep sense of calm after a Reiki session.
Receiving massage if you are living with Cancer can be incredibly beneficial for the mind. The therapeutic touch of a a therapist trained in Oncology Massage can help to shift the focus from the illness to the person; providing some light relief from the medical side of things for an hour. Feedback from my clients in this area say that it has helped to calm anxiety and keep them in the present moment.
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